Monday, July 26, 2010

Wyles in Zurich Summer 2010: The journey begins

The teenagers started packing for our trip a few hours before the shared van ride service was scheduled to take us to the airport.


There was a last-minute barbarian horde scramble for clean clothes from the unsorted (ahem) laundry.


. . . and creative arrangements of various items in their rooms.


Adinah’s room had the most opportunity for straightening up. But, with the help of her friend Colton, she did clean everything up. She also picked up the poop from the back yard. She is wonderful.


In addition to the left-over Chinese food, Elisheva and Simeon decided we needed some food for the journey so they went to Safeway and came back with 2 kilos of fresh grapes, fresh bananas, fresh apple slices, fresh oranges, and sundry chips to pack in their carry-on luggage.


We ate a quick lunch. Some of us ate while standing.


Elisheva and Yofi also bought fresh-baked bread. Yofi tried to bolt it on to the side of his backpack with duct tape.


Simeon continued his marathon gaming session from last night. He packed in less than 5 minutes. He took a nap before the van arrived.


When Adinah started to pick up the poop in the backyard, Leighton and Reo came to interrupt her. I am hoping they did not leave her a goodbye present for the road. After half an hour they left and Adinah continued picking up the poop.



Enough poop to fill a bucket.

Eventually we finished the last-minute packing and straightening up, and waited for the van to arrive. The teenagers and Colton played hacky-sack. Yofi and I played catch with the football.

The van was a little late. But we had plenty of time.

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