Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Red Team Blues by Cory Doctorow (2023)

Although I don't particularly appreciate his writing style or the character affectations, the plot is a fun, pulp escapist story.  The cybercrime, blockchain, & crypto-currency technologies are all well presented.  Some of the forensic accounting is a little off. I enjoyed the book, shall read the next few in the series. 4/5 Stars.

Ideas, Opinions, Liberty, and John Stuart Mill

I was educated as an engineer in the 20th century.  I learned "steam tables thermodynamics," differential equations, electric fields (antenna equation), and engineering (electrical, mechanical, biomedical). I did not learn about literature, sociology, arts, languages, philosophy, or civics (political science).  However, I read quite a bit in a broad range of topics.  And the history of ideas, including polemics and civics is interesting to most folks.

This interesting essay by Richard Reeves has prompted me (finally!) to read On Liberty. In particular, Reeves summarizes concepts in the second chapter:

Mill believed that the pursuit of truth required the collation and combination of ideas and propositions, even those that seem to be in opposition to each other. He urged us to allow others to speak—and then to listen to them—for three main reasons, most crisply articulated in Chapter 2 of On Liberty.

First, the other person's idea, however controversial it seems today, might turn out to be right. ("The opinion … may possibly be true.") Second, even if our opinion is largely correct, we hold it more rationally and securely as a result of being challenged. ("He who knows only his own side of the case, knows little of that.") Third, and in Mill's view most likely, opposing views may each contain a portion of the truth, which need to be combined. ("Conflicting doctrines … share the truth between them.")

These ideas are foundational to good science and engineering.  They are also at the heart of The Enlightenment that enabled human progress. I am frequently disappointed that our society and public discourse do not naturally embrace these concepts.  I am optimistic that we can indoctrinate future generations to honor and embrace these values.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Maître du monde de Jules Verne (1904)

I used to read more French books and I am a fan of Jules Verne.  It takes me a while to get back into the language but Verne's vocabulary and style are not hard.  The story is interesting because of the Trillion dollar Tech giants today and the rise of leaders such as Putin. I do not recommend the book. 3/5 Stars.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Wayward Galaxy 6 by Jason Anspach & Nick Cole (2023)

Hilarious, silly, fun, light, entertaining, mindless mayhem 4/5 Stars.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Shards of Earth by Adrian Tchaikovsky (2021)

Odd and interesting world building by the author with some decent awe, wonder, and politics. There is a little too much arbitrary magic for plot contrivances but it's not bad. 3/5 Sars.

Die Verwandlung von Franz Kafka (1912)

Diese Geschichte ist schrecklich. Ich verstehe nicht, warum Kafka so viel Aufmerksamkeit erhält. 1/5 Sterne.

Three Signs of a Miserable Job by Patrick Lencioni (2007)

Another great book by Patrick Lencioni!  Short, direct, clear, and actionable.  I have added all three simple methods to my daily work:  Recognition for everyone; constant updates of our team's impact and the relevance of our work for the company, customers, and making the world a better place.  And, perhaps the hardest in a big tech company, is asking everyone to help define their own, individual daily, on-going success measures.  Fantastic. 5/5 Stars.

The Apocalypse Troll by David Weber (1998)

I enjoyed the Honor Harrington series; so I sometimes dip into David Weber's other books.  This one was fun, 3/5 Stars.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

The Red by Linda Nagata (2015)

The plot and mystery are well-executed.  And the characters are wonderful.  The characterization of political power, relative military capabilities, and oligarchical powers is not very believable, unfortunately.  But the good writing enabled me to suspend disbelief and enjoy the story. 4/5 Stars.  I'll read the rest of the series now.

Getting Naked by Patrick Lencioni (2010)

In many high-pressure work situations it is very hard to keep centered, thoughtful, and "mindful." We can all use the ideas and checklist from this story about consulting companies.  The key theme of vulnerability generalizes to being genuine in high pressure business settings. Clients and customers appreciate partners who are genuinely interested in customer success. 4/5 Stars.

Die Heilung der Welt von Ronald Gerste (2021)

Jemand schlug mir vor, „Wie Krankheiten Geschichte machen" zu lesen. Als ich nach diesem Titel suchte, fand ich in der Bibliothek dieses Buch desselben Autors. Es ist interessant und gut geschrieben. Wie Wladimir Lenin zum Thema politische Geschichte sagte: „Es gibt Jahrzehnte, in denen nichts passiert; und es gibt Wochen, in denen Jahrzehnte passieren." Das gilt auch für die Geschichte der Medizin. Es gab Jahrhunderte, in denen keine Welt verändernde Entdeckungen oder Technologien entdeckt oder angewendet wurden, und es gab Jahrzehnte, die die Gesundheit und das Wohlergehen der Menschen mehrfach völlig veränderten. In diesem Buch geht es um die medizinischen Revolutionen, die die moderne Welt von 1840 bis 1870 prägten, es enthält jedoch eine kürzere Berichterstattung über die Ursprünge der medizinischen Wissenschaft in den 1790er Jahren und die Ergebnisse bis in die 1920er Jahre. Das Buch ist manchmal etwas zu explizit und ekelerregend, aber insgesamt lohnt es sich. 4/5 Sterne.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Star Trek Strange New Worlds

Best-ever Star Trek episode, ever. 5/5 Stars. Watch the series.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Behind the Throne by K B Wagers (2016)

I don't remember how this book appeared in my queue.  The setting, politics, and characters are interesting, but I really didn't care about them so I was never drawn in to the politics. 3/5 Stars.

Iphigenia auf Taurus by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1787)

Die Sprache des Stücks ist wunderschön. Die Geschichte hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Ereignisse wurden geschaffen, um Tragödien auszulösen, aber eine klare Kommunikation rettete alle und führte zu einem glücklichen Ende. 4/5 Sterne.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Never Shall I Fail by Jason Anspach & Nick Cole (2022)

I am enjoying the series and look forward to each new volume; I particularly liked the ending of this book, 5/5 Stars.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Neu Jahr von Juli Zeh (2018)

Ich war begeistert, als die lange Warteliste für diese Bibliotheks-Reservierung es mir endlich ermöglichte, dieses Buch auszuleihen. Der psychologische Einblick meines Lieblingsautors in Kindheitstraumata, posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen und Angstanfälle mit erschreckend realistischer paroxysmaler Tachykardie ist sehr packend und eindringlich. Die Textur und Tiefe der Schauplätze und Charaktere sowie die präzise Sprache sind wunderbar. Diese Geschichte gehört nicht zu meinen Lieblingsgeschichten von Juli Zeh. Das Buch ist jedoch großartig. Daher habe ich auf 5/5 Sterne aufgerundet.

Friday, August 4, 2023

Prelude to Extinction by Andreas Karpf (2019)

I am always hunting for good, hard science fiction space opera and this series received good reviews.  The celestial mechanics are all wrong and the magic system is inconsistent. The odd power struggles & tension among the crew are inconsistent and unmotivated. The plot is interesting. 2/5 Stars.

Six Days of War by Michael Oren (2002)

My work space at home is the bedroom of one of our older children who no longer lives here.  This book was on her shelf.  The book is fantastic and highly recommended. The reader is bluntly confronted by the terrible incompetence and tragic miscommunications of international politics & diplomacy.  The story unfolds with vivid clarity from the original records. Anyone curious about this conflict must read this book. 5/5 Stars.