Saturday, February 27, 2016

5 elements of effective thinking

Self help books in general are quick-fix fantasy or common sense or at best some interesting sociological insight.  They are almost never actionable, applicable, effective, or truly life-changing. Sometimes they can be helpful or entertaining.  The title of this one had it buried in my reading stack but when it popped up this time after I finished To Kill A Mocking Bird I started reading it in the plane on the way back from San Jose. I could not put it down!  It is fantastic, entertaining, dense, insightful, prescriptive, and fun.  I plan to socialize it privately among other leaders in my teams and in my division.  We can celebrate failure, learn from failures, build on failures, and force ourselves to get better by failing.  Right after finishing the book I pounded out a long, bad draft specification  and it's getting better each time I edit it.  5/5 stars, highly recommended.

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