Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The ONE Thing by Gary W. Keller and Jay Papasan

The voice, tone, empty bromides, and vapid aphorisms, especially in the first few chapters were very nauseating and I almost put the book down a few times.  However, one of my mentors recommended the book, so I felt obligated to get through it and the book did get better.  In a nutshell, as the title suggests, the book prescribes why and how to prioritize a single task, and  engage in that task with a singular focus.  The authors' innate values, intensity and driven personality shine through.  They assume everyone and all readers are megalomaniacal and driven to amass wealth, power, fame. The concepts and prescriptive recommendations in the book are actually very good and I do recommend the book.  For example, the time management recommendations and approaches to expanding your horizons are modern and treated poorly by other self-help authors.  3/5 Stars.  One of the top 100 business books you should read. 

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