Sunday, November 28, 2021

Most tech folks dislike tickets and everyone hates JIRA

Arnaud Porterie wrote about the "ticketing system" problems most global-5000 tech organizations have. His company "Echos" is trying to help solve some of these problems.  Arnaud gives some very-compelling arguments about why ticketing systems are abused for multiple purposes.  Ticketing system overuse (especially JIRA) disempowers the product or development teams forced to comply with tops-down disempowerment.  I have personally watched this phenomenon taken to an extreme recently.

I agree with the elegance of linking to task tracking using github labels instead of tickets or extra github issues.  I am curious if developers and product teams actually enter data for all the purposes he describes in his company's product.  I suspect many teams are just not good at communicating in general.  I have seen a lot of content-free or incomprehensible updates in whichever system(s) the team is using, even when the team embraces their role of being ticket monkeys.

However, if the leadership of an enterprise is enlightened and wants to empower their teams, the Echos product looks pretty good.

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