Thursday, September 21, 2023

The Six types of Working Genius by Patrick Lencioni (2022)

I am still catching up on all the Lencioni books.  This one popped up in my queue.  I did not like it as much as most of his books.  He is over-selling this idea and the book reads like an over-hyped sales pitch.  It is obvious to most of us that we should do what we love, especially within our chosen profession.  It is somewhat less obvious, but easily understood that we should seek out others who are talented, passionate, and competent at areas our "day job" work requires so that the team we form is optimized for performing the entire mission and attaining the outcomes required.  And there is likely some strong academic literature that verifies this common sense.  But Lencioni's claims and hyperbole detract from his ideas. This is a good, short story / idea but among the worst I have read by Lencioni. 3/5 Stars.

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