Saturday, February 17, 2024

Measure What Matters by John Doerr (2018)

When I read books written by successful venture capitalists or megalomaniacal leaders, I am uncomfortably reminded of Peter Thiel's power law concept in Zero to One, and the modern business reality that success means complete, ruthless domination, including out-competing all rivals.  John Doerr is a fiery-eyed "true believer" zealot of his OKR process.  The book is over the top with superlatives and examples. The book is a "hard sell" campaign to convince the reader to adhere to this goal setting methodology, and an homage to Doerr's mentors who forged the ideas. The methodology makes a lot of sense and includes nuances and details about balance, alignment, and communication.  I am using the methodology and hope it is more broadly adopted at work. 4/5 Stars.

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