Saturday, March 29, 2008

math night in Weston

Friday night 3/28/08 Weston had a cool “math” night gathering at a local elementary school.  I took my niece and her friends there.  We had a great time.  In addition to some interesting math puzzles, we learned how to cut shapes out of 3x5 cards.


They served Pizza, brownies, chocolate chip cookies, & water for $2 so we were well-fueled to solve math puzzles.


The theme was early 1960s rock-n-roll bands, songs, and trivia.  Each table had a song title.





And my niece has some really cool friends

who are great at Math.  Izzy here is solving

the “estimate the number of drops in the

clown” puzzle.







Check out my “yellow submarine” design!  I used shallow angles and

Cross-spars to make it streamlined.


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