Wednesday, March 12, 2014

“Double war crime:” attacks on children from behind civilian human shields

Soon after the final bell rang, sending children home from public schools across Southern Israel on Wednesday 3/12/14, a rain of about 60 rockets, fired from Gaza, began falling on civilian centers.

Hiding behind a dense civilian population (war crime number 1) the bad guys launched rockets at civilian kids walking home from school (war crime number 2).


War Crime #1: hiding behind civilians to launch rockets







Another rocket attack from an olive grove in Gaza Wednesday 3/12/14:







The civilian targets for these rockets were the kids walking home from school (war crime).  Below is a photo of the blast from a rocket that landed in Sderot.


I cannot imagine having kids walk home while under rocket fire.  I cannot imagine why we reward double-war-crimes by paying cash to the kleptocrats who order these crimes.

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