Monday, May 24, 2021

10 best practices for remote software engineering by Vanessa Sochat

This relatively long article in the Communications of the ACM (CACM) article explains the top best practices, habits, and sensibilities for remote software engineers.

The details are very important and some of the definitions contain non-obvious concepts, so don't rely on this summary:
  1. Work on things that you care about;
  2. Define goals for yourself;
  3. Define productivity for yourself;
  4. Establish routine and environment;
  5. Take responsibility for your work;
  6. Take responsibility for human connection;
  7. Practice empathetic review;
  8. Have self-compassion;
  9. Learn to say yes, no, and not anymore; and
  10. Choose correct communication channels
Number 2, for example, is about self-compassion, setting charting your own career course, being mindful and forgiving of yourself.

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