Monday, May 17, 2021

Kubecon-EU 2021 redux

In previous years, my company sent folks to Kubecon & Kubecon-EU almost since the conferences started.  However, this year I was unable to find any read-outs or trip reports internally, and I had no budget allocated to pay for my folks to go, so I retreated to others' public write-ups online.  Danny Bryant wrote this one. His summary is not bad.  Dany's key take-aways: Developers, and developer experience, within public cloud is a big deal; End users are making a big impact in the cloud native world right now; Networking in the cloud and K8s are is still evolving and unstable; Open standards are providing key abstractions, extensibility, and innovation; Control planes are where the most end user value is being created; Anyone can (and should) contribute to the community: docs are a great place to start.

Rich Burroughs wrote this longer write-up with more-detailed summaries of the talks.

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