Monday, July 4, 2022

Vanity and other Metrics that measure the wrong thing

John Cutter has a new piece out about vanity metrics that's worth skimming.  It's a reminder that our cognitive biases and need to boast, brag, and make ourselves look great to "management" can be destructive to our mission and purpose as an enterprise.  I have encountered more subtle cognitive biases where our metrics and goals in a business-to-business setting are focused on the use of our free software service instead of the purpose for which our free service is intended.  Folks are using our software, yes.  But are they getting our joint mission and purpose done better and more efficiently?  Software is our means to an end.  Customer success is literally our success.  Therefore, even if our customers love our software and love using it, if alternatives to our software are better or more efficient, both our customers and we have failed.  Focus on what matters.

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