Monday, April 11, 2022

Developer Control Plane & other neo-phrase coinage

In addition to "quiet" containers that flag fewer false positives in security scans, social media has recently started coining (minting?) a flurry of new terminology:
  1. DevSecOps makes coders more responsible for the security of their code; InfoSec tools embedded in the integrated development environment (IDE) code editors shifts InfoSec "left" to identify issues as the coder types them in. DevSecOps includes other efforts such as red teaming that evolves efforts out of "checklists" and scanners because of recent catastrophic failures of this approach.
  2. Developer Control Plane describes how developers are taking more control of their deployment pipelines, observability, and operations (devops).  In particular, the gitops style popularized by gitlabs and embraced by github actions is sweeping our industry because of its elegance and simplicity.
  3. Developer Platform Engineering is a synonym and expansion of the configuration management policies, continuous integration pipelines, & deployment pipelines. 
Everything that is old is new again!  Tasking individual coders with more, different specialized disciplines is not always the best approach and does not scale as well.  But the zeitgeist and "fashion" currently is increasing the breadth of a coder's assignments and responsibilities.


Unknown said...

I go back and forth on this one. At single-dev-team companies, I think you have to try to embrace a world where everyone wears every hat. At companies big enough to have separate Dev and DevOps teams, I think DevOps should be trying to remove Ops tools expertise from development without bottlenecking the company's progress on their backlogs.

IMO, the most efficient system is whatever enables a symbiotic relationship between the human communication patterns and technological decisions which impact the segmentation of responsibility. At the same time, those human communication patterns are a moving target, while the tech stack usually lags behind, or worse, is never fully refactored. Casey Muratori has a talk on this: Reality is worse than Conway's Law, because most projects are doomed to maintain the remnants of every org chart you ever had.

From that point of view, I think it makes sense that our engineering buzz is a bit schizophrenic about the kinds of organizations it implicitly recommends through whatever technologies it momentarily endorses.

Mitchell Wyle said...

I agree with your analysis.