Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mitch teaches in Raleigh, NC part-1: Monday 4/21/08

The shared van ride service was late picking me up because one of the other people with whom I shared the van was a “no show” and they could not track him down for 15 minutes. It gave me more time to linger over coffee with the family at home. My 4-year-old was up early and is confused about Passover and our dietary restrictions.

I wanted to photograph the TSA security people at the airport searching the 85-year-old woman but I don’t think they would have appreciated that.

There was no matzo for sale at the airport. The pilot flew around Mt Rainier, commenting on it as the plane banked and dropped below the clouds for the view. He did the same thing over Aspen, Colorado. It was odd being in a commercial flight while the pilot played tour-guide and banked the plane to show the views. We arrived late at Dallas and I literally walked off the plane, straight to the gate of the other plane, and then walked on the other plane. There was no slack time for the connection. There were no matzo options for lunch so I ate the inside of a sandwich. It’s like a no-carbs diet.

I watched “Sweeney Todd” in the plane on my phone. If the battery on the laptop would last longer than 45 minutes I think the experience would have been better (screen on phone is a bit too small).

I arrived at the Hilton late, starved, and knackered. There is some sort of a convention or product fair for “tablet computing in hospitals” or something going on in the lobby and along the entire first floor. The restaurant had great side dishes that made up my huge dinner (baked potato, broccoli, salad, vegetarian chili). The room is a huge suite with two showers, a big living room, an office area, dining area, and master bedroom. I showered and crashed early without getting through email. Both of my June forum sessions have updated decks, presentation content, and need policy decisions made. Luckily the speakers are signed up and committed.

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