Sunday, April 20, 2008

Snow on Passover

It snowed and hailed on Friday afternoon and again on Saturday during the time trials we ran for the cascade striders. It's odd having cold, snow winter weather in the spring. When the sun peaked through during rare breaks from the cold, windy hail, it was quite warm and the ground misted over with the evaperating snow.

Elisheva was home for a short weekend and was very helpful around the house, getting rid of all of our Hametz and preparing the house for the Seder. She explained the historical context and surrounding events of many of the rituals both pre-rabbinic and rabbinical. Ritual hand washing for example predates Judaism. Adinah invited three friends to our Seder, Laura, Catherine and Jesse. It seemed they enjoyed it despite their discomfort with Hebrew. Eitana did not like sitting around at a crowded table and delayed the Seder with some destruction and screaming.

The Seder itself flowed smoothly; wine lubricated the songs and delays. The meal, as usual was fantastic. Gab makes a killer potato salad. The kids could not find the Afikomen that Simeon hid inside a book in an obscure shelf downstairs. They searched for an hour. Even "hot / cold" did not help at the end and he had to tell them that it was inside a book behind which they had already searched. I want Simeon on my side of a spy conflict.

The Strawberry dessert was also fantastic and even the clean-up was not as onerous as we anticipated. It was a great Seder in a great year.

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