Thursday, October 31, 2013

David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the art of Battling Giants, Malcolm Gladwell 2013

I just finished reading this one; it is very good and I recommend it. However, the book seems unfinished to me; Gladwell did not supply any evidence at all for his last "forgiveness" theme and his attacks on the California three strikes law.  There is a plethora of evidence and a few very strong theories that support his assertions but he does not bring any of them into the book.  I was looking forward to more "falling action" and having Gladwell tie all of the misfit / hidden strength themes together. There was not enough meat at the end.

But the analysis and popularization of the "inverted U" curve, as well as the sociological adversity themes were well presented and very enjoyable.

Go read it now.

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